Ethics Policy

Lake View Gazette makes every effort to be accurate and logical. Our goal is to present all sides of a story in its entirety.


The information on Lake View Gazette is as up-to-date as possible. Before anything is published, the facts and sources are double-checked. At various stages, articles are also checked for accuracy by more than one person. Even though we make every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the content may not be perfect and may contain technical or spelling errors. In extremely rare cases, a person’s poor judgment may cause them to make critical errors by accident. When this occurs, Lake View Gazette will publish either a correction, a clarification, or an editor’s note, depending on their judgment.


Because we value fairness at Lake View Gazette, we expect all of our employees to follow these guidelines. By being honest about what the sources want, we try to make our reporting feel fair. We should also strive to be fair in how we discuss things and how we discuss them.

A story isn’t fair if important details are left out. It is also unjust if it contains information that is unrelated to the facts. A story is also not fair if it intentionally or unintentionally deceives the reader. Coverage must be complete, relevant, and honest in order to be considered fair.


You cannot build trust if you are not truthful.
Lake View Gazette has promised to stay as far away from any kind of conflict of interest as possible.
Nobody gives us money or things in exchange for telling us the news.
We also do not accept funds from governments, government-funded organizations, government officials, political parties, or representatives who take stands on contentious issues.
Reporters and editors are also prohibited from accepting money or gifts from the people, companies, institutions, or organizations about whom they write.

Lake View Gazette also wants credit for the information on its website.

You may only use anonymous sources as a last resort and with the permission of the editor-in-chief.