Editorial Policy

Lake View Gazette strives to maintain high journalistic standards in order to provide our readers with unique and high-quality articles and news. When you write for us, you agree to these terms and understand that if you do not follow them, we may reject your article. You will sign a contract with us requiring your written agreement to this policy.


We expect all articles to be completely unique. They should pass Copyscape and other plagiarism detection software. Only ‘never-before-published’ content should be sent to our editors for approval. It is critical that you concentrate on creating content that is valuable to our readers. Articles that are plagiarised or spun from previously published material will be rejected.

Data And Claims

All financial claims and data should be thoroughly investigated before being included in the article. Clients will not entertain false claims or biassed data. We make certain that any data published on our website is already in the public domain and has been verified by appropriate sources. The writers must link the data/statistics/claims to a previous publication on a relevant website.

Always try to provide empirical evidence to back up your claims. You can back up your claims with images, graphs, and screenshots. You should avoid using a claim in your article if no authority websites or experts back it up.


All of the articles you write should be useful to our readers. Your article should have a clear goal that must be met in order to be valuable. We aim to provide articles that present the most recent news to our readers while also assisting them in understanding the nuances of various finances. All articles should be completely unbiased, with no promotion or marketing of any currency, market, or company.

Marketing and Promotions

No article should contain any marketing or promotional claims or information about a finance/company/person. Your article’s title, subheadings, and content should always be straightforward and unbiased. You should not include any links to articles that promote a company/currency/person. We strongly advise against including promotional/marketing links in our articles.


Keep in mind that our readers are not the general public, but rather people who are genuinely interested in finance. Your articles should always include useful information for readers who are already familiar with the financial world. Our goal is to provide them with the most recent financial information and news. As a result, before writing an article for them, we must first understand them.

The Article’s Acceptance

The editorial board is solely responsible for the article’s acceptance. Our editors have the authority to accept or reject without explanation. We will be intimidated if an article is accepted. Each board decision will be final and binding on all writers.